
Monday, November 4, 2013

Try, Try Again

  Okay, so you're wondering, what is this Blog all about? Well, it seems to me there are a lot of people discussing this "Awakening of Consciousness." Many people are wondering what that's all about. That is exactly what this Blog is about, my "Awakening." Perhaps you will find that you feel much the same by the time you are done reading this, I hope so. I know I am not alone with these thoughts and peculiar feelings. I will do my best to explain what is going on.

   I am Clairvoyant, an Empath, an HSP, which explains why I understand these changes. I would say over the past 5 years or so, the world shifted. I am no astrologer, but there has also been a shift in conscious thought and the way we perceive and understand things. There has been an increasing amount of pondering and going within. We have been searching for higher meanings of things and evaluating our previous course. Emotionally we are amuck!

   Relationships are drawn towards mutual understanding, connectivity and sensitivity more than being driven by desires and impulses. We observe the youth of today and feel pity and responsibility, knowing they face deeper challenges than ever before and we have spent our parenting years keeping them inside our protective "bubble." Our intentions were good, we did not want our children to experience what we once thought was a terrible childhood, only to come to realize, we had the advantage of being taught hard lessons. We had to learn to go without things and work hard for what we wanted. We were also disciplined, and for the most part, although a lot of families were broken, we had the advantage of having two parents. I don't want to delve in issues relating to past because, it is the now where we exist, but there is reason to reflect.

   Getting back on subject, yes we are going through some shit right now and have been for quite a while. Reality is, it will get worse before it gets better. I do not like to sugar coat anything, if you peel back the sweet layers, your still going to find the sour spot, and that's the part you end up chewing on for a while, making faces and wondering, why did I bite into that? What can we do?
   This is the question everyone struggles with because the reality is, although we share common ideas and thoughts, we are not collaborating to get things started. I said to myself "I will never know if my ideas will work, unless I try."

 Here I am! Reaching out to the invisible world through Blogging, looking for connections and like minded folks who have the same vision of Oneness, Peace, Unity,and Love. Wow, I should call this OPUL. Done, now that I've established a name, we need to establish ourselves and give definition to this community.

   I won't call it a cause, I do not like causes, they never really end. I would like to see us all end up doing something great! Something that changes the course of our lives forever. A way of life, thinking, sharing and growing. Sort of a New Revelation! We are being called to come together as humanity and put a close to all the division, that is what we are experiencing at the core of it. You can change how you think about things but not how you truly feel about things.  

Never Let Go Of Your Dreams!


 Wow! It has been quite a journey, this life. I still find myself a bit lost in this pursuit of inner peace. It does not come easy and requires much sacrifice. We grow as children full of dreams and aspirations, sometimes believing in magic, that this world is magical. Much to our surprise life is full of disappointments, pain, challenges and at times discouraging. We have experiences that soon define who we are and who we want to be as individuals in this world.

   Some experience things like drugs and alcohol and that defines them for a time, for some, always. Others try their hands at crime and develop a takers attitude. And for others, well they just try to get along, climbing the ladders of life. The truth is, we are not always going to reap what we sow. This fact determines how well you will overcome the obstacles in life as they arrive. If your strong willed you may forge ahead determined not to give up, if your just riding with the tides, who knows where that will lead? I myself have experienced things in my lifetime that most would consider tragic. I have had that very same strong willed attitude, and I fell, hard. To this date I am still discovering who I want to be. For a time I thought I knew.

   It is not a simple task to find yourself, it is the most difficult. You have to somehow exist with others. All the influences, attitudes, lifestyles, opinions, and the list goes on and on. You can pretend it has no effect on you, fact is, everything is connected.

   So now I come to my point, we all have dreams, those dreams define us because in order to pursue a dream, you must be in touch with who you are and what you seek, and how you will achieve it. I have a dream, to make a difference in my life, for others. My dream is to become as "Off The Grid" as possible. This is no easy task. If I can become self dependent I can help others as well. I gave up on the politics, greed, religions and total lack of unification. We all helped to build these monsters but it is time to get of that bus. Anything that represents self interest is something I am opposed to. We have to be conscious of ourselves and our values in order to be compassionate towards others, but when we look to only serve a select few, we are of no real long term value to society. We are a whole, not bits and pieces.

  I invite you to travel this journey alongside of me, as I search for ultimate truths and new discoveries of all kinds. I want you to participate in my dream and add your insights and information. I want to develop a new community of people, places and things, real resources and experiences that collaboratively, combined, create a whole. We could all use a little information and insight, so join me in discovering, The Beauty of Peace Within. 
Never Let Go Of Your Dreams!